I've been sitting with the Magee article I posted last month and reflecting on why it grabbed me and have realized that this article, along with the video clip by CineMatic Orchestra in a later post, highlights the role the camera plays in our ability to ask questions.
Magee herself questions her position as a photographer, which in turn pushes her to take brave steps in her work, as does Vertov in his attempts to present "truthful cinema". In the edited clip, Vertov brings the camera (and cameraman) into the scenes which is a question in and of itself - what IS the camera? What is it doing? How does it relate? What does it achieve?
The inclusion of the camera in the scenes invites critique.
This also appears to have been the case when we recorded the role play scenarios in our sessions. The scenarios took on a different "edge" when the group understood the scenarios would be recorded. Perhaps something about the finality of a recording? The spotlight on those in the role play? The "here and now" captured for posterity?
I'm keen to see what the reactions are when the second, "group-directed" scenario is played back in our next session! Will people want to see it? Will previous discussions be reopened? Emotions rekindled? Memories rewound? New discoveries made, more questions asked?
What further purpose will our recorded scenarios have in our developmental process? I wonder!
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