Here's how design, education and change go together, according to
Emily Pilloton. Get local. Enough said!
Local design is most sustainable when it’s an educational process,
nurturing new sensibilities from the inside out, rather than from the
outside in.
...The work that is possible for a designer to do in a rural community is
completely different than what’s possible in any city or design firm.
Design as a means to overcome challenges is nonexistent, so the
possibilities to inspire change abound. But design is also misunderstood
and scoffed at as “fancy stuff for rich people.” That’s why we decided
to move to Bertie County permanently and create a design-build
high-school curriculum with Dr. Zullinger. We didn’t want to just be
“creative consultants.” We wanted to build something from within and
teach the young people of eastern North Carolina that design is first
and foremost a sensibility that allows individuals to solve problems in
different ways [my emphasis].
...Local design has an identity beyond a program’s branding because it has
an ownership by real people and it requires person-to-person
communication. Local design is wood and metal and eye contact and
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